
Välkommen till Högskolan Väst! Här erbjuds en inspirerande inspark med engagerade phaddrar och spännande aktivititer som ser till att du får en så bra introduktion till staden och studierna som möjligt! Utforska Trollhättan och engagera dig i studentlivet och skapa minnen för livet under din tid här.

Inslussningen is the new students’ introductory weeks at University West. The first two weeks are filled with activities to get to know other students, the university and beautiful Trollhättan in an easy and fun way.

Why should you go to Inslussningen?

You get to know other students, old and new, and have fun at our various activities. Above all, you will have memories for life and you will become part of the large student community.

The first days

The first days of college will be very new, but keep in mind that you do not have to learn everything just the first days!

During the Inslussning, there will be Buddys whose task is to help you with tips and tricks for you to complete your study time at University West. The Buddys will help you on the introductory days and will also be on hand throughout the Inslussning if you have any questions, so you do not have to worry about anything.

Many of the activities that are organized are to help you get into student life. Therefore, keep your eyes and ears open during these days so as not to miss essential information.

Place tips

Here are some tips on places you can visit in Trollhättan.

The lock area
The fall area
Maria Alberts park
Dahllöfs park
Copper clips
Walk of fame

So do not hesitate to take the chance and gild your study time by getting a good start to the academic year.

If you have any questions, just email us or visit